"Cornucopia II" Stephen Facciola
729 Pages
US Letter (8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm)
Standard Black & White
60# White — Uncoated
Perfect Bound, Glossy Cover
Print Cost:27.56 USD
!! price update !!
price is slightly rounded up price has a few dollars added because this is an operation run on very little money and we can get worried about shipping miscalculations and i originally forgot to account for tax. we're not seeking to make any profit off of this, simply to have it be exactly the cost of printing the book and getting it to you
a shibboleth for those working in permaculture, apparently. the radical harvesters and/or gatherers of our world
standing offer: if there's a book that would be helpful to permaculture folks that is out of print, let me know and i will get new copies going out for the cost of printing and shipping. your labor is very noble and if i may help in this small way, i'd be honored to.